UC Berkeley Event and so much more!

Hi, Sunny here.

For 11 years, I have helped students build their CVs and get into some of the best universities in the UK and America such as Oxford, Stanford, and Yale. You can sign up here to receive my newsletter on CV-building activities alongside tips and insights on succeeding in the admissions process. I am also on Twitter and Instagram. And if you want professional help with university admissions, our company website is here.

Whilst putting together the events for this week’s newsletter, the complete lack of events struck me. I suspect some of this is to do with budget cuts among other things. Regardless, this has some negative implications for your child. It means that unless they prepped far in advance, their CV might have a gap this summer. If your child is about to head into their final year of school, this presents a serious problem. I have provided links to two events they can still do. I would strongly recommend that you tell them to sign up.

Upcoming Events:

The Mystery of the Jury by UC Berkeley: One of the most well-known and respected universities in America is hosting an event that is a must go for students interested in Law, or any of the other social sciences. The event will focus on the function of the Jury in the legal system- it’s origins, function and the unique perspective that jurors have during a trial. It is online, so there is no excuse not to sign up. 2 August.

Women in Science: Space Tour: The Natural History Museum is offering free tours throughout August, September and October focusing on the stories of how female scientists have changed the world through their research. Open to all ages, and completely free, this event is great for those who are interested in scientific theory and history. This would be an amazing event to take your daughter to, as it might provide her with some inspiration and motivation. Next tour date: 6 August.

Shorelines, Snowflakes and Sierpinski Triangles: Hosted by the prestigious Royal Institution, this workshop looks at how geography and physics connect in some beautiful ways. Run by Jenny Sharp, a mathematician at Plymouth University. It is aimed at a younger demographic than we normally suggest (13-15), but it is a great way to introduce your child to the world of Maths, Physics and Geography. 7 August.

Video Highlights:

Applying for a Masters? Here is a quick burst of information you can use to make your life easier. In this rapid-fire video, we provide some brief tips that can help you boost your chances of success.

Deadline countdown (Sep '23 intake):

  • Oxbridge or UK Medicine (Sep '25) - 15 October 2024 - 76days left.
  • USA Early Decision (Sep '25) - 01 November 2024 - 93 days left.
  • MBA and Postgraduate (Sep' 25) - 01 December 2024 - 123 days left.
  • USA Regular Decision (Sep' 25) - 01 January 2025 - 154 days left.
  • UK Undergraduate (Sep' 25) - 29 January 2023 - 182 days left.

Welcome to The University Admissions Newsletter.

My name is Sunny Jain and over the past 11 years I've been helping students get into the top universities in the UK and US.

Read more from Welcome to The University Admissions Newsletter.
Cover page of University Admissions Explained

Hi everyone, this is Sunny. After 18 months in the making my first book, University Admissions Explained is finally out and is available on Amazon. The book condenses 12 years of my experience into an easily digestible read and demystifies the process of university admissions. I share case studies of how A&J School students got into universities like UCLA, Oxford, McGill, St Andrews, and Harvard. The book is written for students, parents, and teachers. If you are interested, you can buy the...

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Hi, Sunny here. For 11 years, I have helped students build their CVs and get into some of the best universities in the UK and America such as Oxford, Stanford, and Yale. You can sign up here to receive my newsletter on CV-building activities alongside tips and insights on succeeding in the admissions process. I am also on Twitter and Instagram. And if you want professional help with university admissions, our company website is here. Things are starting to kick back into gear again as the...

a calendar with red push buttons pinned to it

Hi, Sunny here. For 11 years, I have helped students build their CVs and get into some of the best universities in the UK and America such as Oxford, Stanford, and Yale. You can sign up here to receive my newsletter on CV-building activities alongside tips and insights on succeeding in the admissions process. I am also on Twitter and Instagram. And if you want professional help with university admissions, our company website is here. For most UK students, the only thing they will formally...